Bosses in Rafidea

In Rafidea there are several types of bosses that player can face during playthrough:





Area bosses

Group with the biggest variety of power height. They spawn randomly like raid, but are not broadcasted.

Area bosses spawn without any troops and they are visible through soul stone.

Look: Name: Location: Despawn time:
LehefKaslow Trolls3h
RazortoothKaslow Plains3h
SadroJungle, south from town3h
Outlaw KoraOutlaw Camp4h
The Walking DeadKaslow Ghouls3h
IronfistJungle, roof of 'Banuta' entrance3h
ColdheartAuris Bay, Frost Giants area3h
GrotesqueCyclops Mountain3h
PanzertoiseCydonia, Tortoises3h
Barebone BaronKaslow, Undeads behind key doors3h
AntroyaraAuris Bay, Crystal Spiders hill4h
The Evil EyeGreat Marsh underground3h
PrimetoxWyverns, underneath Dragon Highlands3h
ScarabeusCydonia, Ancient Scarabs3h
BartucOrc Fortress3h
Lord XanHeroes Keep (trail to Evil Sanctuary)3h
TriquonoxJungle, Hydras3h
BlizzardonFrost Dragons, Auris Bay3h
CerberusHellhounds, Demonica3h

Quest bosses

They are dedicated to certain quests and can either be summoned by item multiple times (like Vladimir/Izual/Diablo) or encountered once or many times (via dungeons/poi) troughout the story.

Some of them are broadcasted (Izual/Diablo) and only few are visible soul stone.

Look: Name: Location: Quest:
Vladimirdeep in Kaslow Undeads undergroundsSecrets of Undeads
MeredithHidden CaveSecrets of Undeads
Cloned BasiliskSaphael's Throne and Forgotten TempleSaphael's Throne and Forgotten Temple
HephastoDeep Kaslow MinesHellfire
MalakAncient TombsMalak's Insignia
LuthosSaphael's ThroneSaphael's Throne
Countess SorrowGate of Sorrow - Kaslow MinesPits of Inferno
DracolaGate of Darkness - Yeti's HillPits of Inferno
MassacreGate of Pain - DemonicaPits of Inferno
Mr. PunishGate of Surrender - CellarsPits of Inferno
The HandmaidenGate of Might - Dragon HighlandsPits of Inferno
The ImperorGate of Terror - Evil SanctuaryPits of Inferno
The PlasmotherGate of Hope - Great Marsh undergroundsPits of Inferno

Summon bosses

Boss group that need a certain action to be done to spawn one.

Summon bosses are visible through soul stone, mostly are not broadcasted except player who summons.

Some quest bosses are also summoning bosses (player can challenge them many times) and will be shown in both tables.

Look: Name: Location: How to summon:
Vladimirdeep in Kaslow Undeads undergroundsSmoke Mary Jane in a certain spot.
YakchalAuris Bay, Ice Witches territory undergroundUse a Frozen Starlight on the coffin.
BasiliskDeep in Jungle PitsUse a Cobrafang Dagger nearby bloody altar, next to Tom Niddle.
Abyssal PredatorUnderwater, Deepwaters areaPlace one fish fin on every 5 special tiles spreaded throughout wide area and use the flame to summon him.
The Big Foot
UtumnoDragon Highlands undergroundsOpen his portal by using 3 levers that demand a sacrifice, pointed by a hints near them.
Cabho or Raum TarkanAfter every 50 kills of Tarkans monsters there is a chance to spawn one of two bosses in this area's surface. There are 20 stages, every next with higher chance of spawn a random boss, where at 1000 kills, if boss wasn't summoned yet, both of them spawn.
FerumbrasFerumbras TowerUse an altar at the tower basement. Cost is 1 of each five glyphs.

Raid bosses

Raid bosses are most popular due to their valuable, desirable loot.

They are visible through soul stone and broadcasted.

Raid bosses often come with group of monsters and may have staged summoning process (like Orshabaal).

Look: Name: Location: Servants:
BahamutUnderwater, Deepwaters area-
Blazing Battle SpiritPath of Flames-
Deadeye DeviousWrecked ship at Greath Marshall kinds of Pirates
DharalionElven Forst, east of Lorenall kinds of Elves
FerumbrasFerumbras TowerDemons
General Murius and The Horned Fox Tower (GM) at Minotaur's Citadel and undergrounds (Fox)-
GhazbaranDeep Kaslow MinesDeathslicers, Furies, Demons
MorgarothTarkanDemons, Juggernauts, Hellhounds and other
MunsterLorenRats, Cave Rats.
NecropharusCydonia, SU from cityNecromancers
OrshabaalKaslow Plains3 waves of varous hell monsters e.g. Demons, Diabolic Imps, HFFs
Ron The RipperWrecked ship at Greath Marshall kind of Pirates
The EarthmoverDeep Kaslow Mines-
UshurielDragon Highlandsvarius hell minions e.g. Demons, HFFs, Diabolic Imps
ZuguroshDemonicavarious hell minions e.g. Demons, HFFs, Diabolic Imps
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