Server Information

Here you will find all basic information about Rafidea 8.0

Server rates

Minimum level Maximum level Multiplier
1 120 10x
121 150 9x
151 180 8x
181 200 7x
201 250 6x
251 300 5x
301 Unlimited 4x
Skills rate Magic rate Loot rate
15 6 2

Miscellaneous information

Connection information
Client 8
Port 7171
PvP information
World type pvp
Hotkey aimbot Yes
Protection level 1
Kills to red skull 3
Kills to black skull 6
Remove rune charges Yes
Time to decrease frags 1 day
Experience by killing players No
White skull duration
Protection zone lock (non lethal attack) 1 minute
Stair jump exhaust
Other information
Free premium Yes
House rent period never
House SQM price 4000 gp
AFK kickout 15 minutes
One player online per account Yes
Max players online server limit 100
Allow outfit change Yes
Stamina system No
Premium to add items to market Yes
Market offer duration 30 days
Server Information
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Character search
Top 5 players
1Vermicelli (373).
2Jiraya (363).
3Dark Warrior (334).
4Bowtrip (316).
5Kiss Of Death (254).
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Town list / houses