Christmas Events

Christmas Events are the main theme of second period of actual edition v4.5 (started at the end of September). Main goal of this event is to participate in Grynch Clan Goblin Invasions in order to obtain many attractive and pricy rewards to enhance fun from playing.

Rude Dolf and Present Bags

The object of interest is Christmas Present Bag which drops only from Grynch Goblins.

Return these bags to obtain a reward from Rude Dolf - at Kaslow depot's rooftop.

In exchange player receives present bags or bundles containing many various items e.g. magic alchemy clays, crystal coins, boxes of excellence (up to +3), christmas decorations and food, gems or christmas tokens.

Christmas Tokens are more precious and Rude Dolf may exchange them for even more pricy rewards like signs of lord, sapphire amulet, crystal coins, magic alchemy clays or royal fanfare. They can be obtained from present bags, bosses, surprises or grynch goblins.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is located south from Kaslow's temple and he offers two kinds of gifts: daily presents and mission rewards.

Daily presents can be obtained once every 23 hours. Talk to Stana Claus and say "present" then "yes". These present can be taken only by players of minimim level 20! Your daily present questlog is updated on login.

Rewards from daily presents are staged and after 45 lvl and 75 lvl more pricy rewards can be obtained! They will not be listed here, let them be a mystery!

Mission from Santa Claus is simple: kill Grynch Clan Goblins during their invasions to earn truly amazing rewards!

Santa Claus' mission 'Christmas Revenge' is staged and contains as shown in table below:

Stage: Kill amount: Rewards:
Stage 1100Magic Alchemy Clay, 5x Sign of Lord, Soul Stone, random christmas present, Box of Excellence +1
Stage 22002x Magic Alchemy Clay, 10x Sign of Lord, 2x Voodoo Doll, Sapphire Amulet, 2x random christmas present, Box of Excellence +2
Stage 33503x Magic Alchemy Clay, 2x Soul Stone, Doll of the King of Saphael, Retro Outfit Ticket, random christmas bundle, Box of Excellence +3
Stage 46004x Magic Alchemy Clay, 4x Voodoo Doll, Crown, Royal Fanfare, Golden Horn, Box of Excellence +4
Stage 510005x Magic Alchemy Clay, unique personalized Trophy, loot from one kill of chosen Demon's Boss, one of: Ferumbras Hat, Soft Boots or Crystal Arrow, Box of Excellence +5

Note that the kill amount = total number of killed goblins - as shown in !xmasstats command. There is no level restriction to participate in mission. Say "report" to Santa to receive reward. The mission is automatically activated on login and is shown in questlog.

There are several statistics gathered and shown at the event scores subpage until the end of the event (around the middle of January).

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