Custom Wands and Staves - Rafidea 8.0

In the world of Rafidea you can find many various magcial weapons as wands and staves.

Here you can get an essential info about new wands [1h single target] and staves [2h aoe 3x3 square] for mages.

All normal of these weapons are sellable to Pythia, located in Guild of Mages Hall, south of Cydonia desert city.

All wands and staves can be used by Master Sorcerers and Elder Druids.

Their damage is a random value between these functions:

Minimal damage: (lvl*0,2 + mlvl*1,4 + 8) * D * E

Maximal damage: (lvl*0,2 + mlvl*2,2 + 8) * D * E

D - individual factor of damage [%] (table below), E = 1,33 for excellent versions of items, for normal E = 1

Wands have a flat minimal damage, which is used if function values will roll below it. Minimal damage for excellent wands is 33% higher.


Look: Name: Req. lvl: MP cost: Min. damage: Factor D [%]: How to obtain:
Crystal Wand6526 MP5542 [ENERGY]Necropharus, Antroyara, Basilisk, Omnizard Prophet, [TOMB QUEST],
Northern Star9036 MP8054 [ENERGY]Yeti, Blizzardon,
Diamond Wand9036 MP8054 [LIFEDRAIN]Ice Witch, The Evil Eye, Yakchal
Ancient Rune12548 MP10566 [FIRE]Behemoth, Malak, [ANNIHILATOR]
Wand of Heaven15060 MP13077 [PHYSICAL]Undead Dragon
Shadow Wand15060 MP13077 [LIFEDRAIN]Phantasm, Dark Torturer, Deepwater Mystic
Prophecy Ankh18073 MP15789 [POISON]Deepwater Phantom, [TOMB QUEST]
Doom21082 MP176104 [PHYSICAL]Abyssal Predator, Mutant, Omnizard Prophet, Raum
Divine Wand of Archangel24094 MP194115 [ENERGY]Luthos
Infinite Void Wand24094 MP194115 [FIRE]Luthos


Look: Name: Req. lvl: MP cost: Factor D [%]: How to obtain:
Amber Staff12055 MP60 [PHYSICAL]Hellhound, Vladimir
Lich Staff10555 MP56 [LIFEDRAIN]Lich, Meredith, Triquonox,
Magimaster Staff11055 MP56 [FIRE]Merlkin, Elder Beholder, Diabolic Imp
Cursed Staff11555 MP55 [POISON]Destroyer, Dark Torturer, Necropharus, Malak
Apocalyptic Staff11055 MP58 [ENERGY]Lost Soul, Bertayed Wraith
Magic Staff18585 MP93 [ENERGY]Warlock
Auris King's Insignia19585 MP91 [LIFEDRAIN]Yeti, Blizzardon
Lunar Staff18085 MP96 [POISON]Deepwater Mystic, Basilisk, Luthos
Cataclysm19585 MP96 [FIRE][POI]
Hurricane20090 MP100 [PHYSICAL]Ferumbras
Chaos240115 MP120 [PHYSICAL]Ferumbras
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