[+] Acolyte of the Cult
[+] Adept of the Cult
[+] Amazon
[+] Ancient Scarab
[+] Assassin
[+] Azure Frog
[x] Badger
[+] Bandit
[+] Banshee
[+] Bat
[+] Bear
[+] Behemoth
[+] Beholder
[+] Betrayed Wraith
[+] Black Knight
[+] Black Sheep
[+] Blightwalker
[+] Blood Crab
[+] Blue Djinn
[+] Bonebeast
[+] Braindeath
[+] Bug
[x] Butterfly
[x] Purple Butterfly
[x] Yellow Butterfly
[x] Red Butterfly
[x] Blue Butterfly
[+] Carniphila
[+] Carrion Worm
[+] Cave Rat
[+] Centipede
[+] Chicken
[x] Cobra
[+] Coral Frog
[+] Crab
[+] Crimson Frog
[+] Crocodile
[+] Crypt Shambler
[+] Crystal Spider
[+] Cyclops
[+] Dark Magician
[+] Dark Monk
[+] Dark Torturer
[x] Deathslicer
[+] Deepwater Hunter
[+] Deepwater Mystic
[+] Deepwater Phantom
[+] Deepwater Ravager
[+] Deer
[+] Defiler
[+] Evil Skeleton
[+] Demon
[+] Destroyer
[+] Diabolic Imp
[x] Dog
[+] Dragon Lord
[+] Green Dragon
[+] Dwarf Geomancer
[+] Dwarf Guard
[+] Dwarf Soldier
[+] Dwarf
[+] Dworc Fleshhunter
[+] Dworc Venomsniper
[+] Dworc Voodoomaster
[+] Efreet
[+] Elder Beholder
[+] Elephant
[+] Elf Arcanist
[+] Elf Scout
[+] Elf
[+] Enlightened of the Cult
[+] Fire Devil
[x] Fire Elemental
[x] Flamethrower
[x] Flamingo
[+] Forgotten Guard
[+] Frost Dragon
[+] Frost Giant
[+] Frost Giantess
[+] Frost Troll
[+] Fury
[+] Gargoyle
[+] Gazer
[+] Ghost
[+] Ghoul
[+] Giant Spider
[+] Goblin
[+] Green Djinn
[x] Green Frog
[+] Grynch Clan Goblin
[+] Hand of Cursed Fate
[+] Hellfire Fighter
[+] Hellhound
[+] Hero
[+] Hunter
[x] Husky
[+] Hyaena
[+] Hydra
[+] Ice Golem
[+] Ice Witch
[+] Juggernaut
[+] Kongra
[+] Larva
[+] Lich
[+] Lion
[+] Lost Soul
[x] Magic Pillar
[+] Mammoth
[+] Marid
[+] Medusa
[+] Merlkin
[+] Minotaur Archer
[+] Minotaur Guard
[+] Minotaur Mage
[+] Minotaur
[+] Monk
[+] Mummy
[+] Mutant
[+] Necromancer
[+] Nightmare
[+] Nomad
[+] Novice of the Cult
[+] Omnizard Highlord
[+] Omnizard Infiltrator
[+] Omnizard Prophet
[+] Omnizard Templar
[+] Orc Berserker
[+] Orc Leader
[+] Orc Rider
[+] Orc Shaman
[+] Orc Spearman
[+] Orc Warlord
[+] Orc Warrior
[+] Orc
[+] Orchid Frog
[+] Panda
[x] Parrot
[+] Penguin
[x] Phantasm summon
[+] Phantasm
[+] Pig
[+] Pirate Buccaneer
[+] Pirate Corsair
[+] Pirate Cutthroat
[+] Pirate Ghost
[+] Pirate Marauder
[+] Pirate Skeleton
[+] Plaguesmith
[+] Poison Spider
[+] Polar Bear
[+] Priestess
[+] Rabbit
[+] Rat
[+] Rotworm
[+] Scarab
[x] Scorpion
[x] Seagull
[x] Sentry of Flames
[x] Sentry of Lifedrain
[x] Sentry of Lightnings
[x] Sentry of Venoms
[+] Serpent Spawn
[+] Sheep
[+] Sibang
[+] Silver Rabbit
[+] Skeleton
[x] Skunk
[x] Slime
[+] Smuggler
[x] Son of Verminor
[x] Snake
[+] Spectre
[+] Spider
[+] Spit Nettle
[+] Stalker
[+] Stone Golem
[+] Swamp Troll
[+] Tarantula
[+] Terror Bird
[+] The Old Widow
[+] Thornback Tortoise
[+] Tiger
[+] Toad
[+] Tortoise
[+] Training Monk
[+] Troll
[+] Undead Dragon
[+] Valkyrie
[+] Vampire
[+] War Wolf
[+] Warlock
[+] Wasp
[x] Water Elemental
[+] Wild Warrior
[+] Winter Wolf
[+] Witch
[+] Wolf
[+] Wyvern
[+] Yeti
[x] Deathslicer
[x] Flamethrower
[x] Magicthrower
[x] Plaguethrower
[x] Shredderthrower
[x] Shredderthrower
[x] Lavahole
[x] Pillar

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