Magic Alchemy Information Page - Rafidea 8.0

Magic Alchemy is a process in which players may produce miscellaneous prizes*.

To begin the alchemy, player of minimal lvl 35 must visit NPC Barobaro in Cydonia in order to obtain the quest.

Magic Alchemy quests info

LevelRequired materialsReward
355 brown piece of cloth, 4 spider silk, 3 green dragon scale, 2 life crystalmagic alchemy catalyser, 3 magic alchemy clays
502 hydra egg, 1 blue piece of cloth, 1 green piecie of cloth5 magic alchemy clay
651 perfect behemoth fang, 12 hardened bones, 3 red dragon scales5 magic alchemy clay
851 piece of hell/royal/draconian steel, 3 beholder eye, 3 hydra tongue5 magic alchemy clay
1101 huge chunk of crude iron, 1 flask of warrior sweat, 10 demonic essence, 2 frost charm6 magic alchemy clay
1351 demon trophy, 6 fish fin, 1 of all gems (red, blue, violet, green, yellow, black)6 magic alchemy clay

To start the process put the alchemy clay in arrow slot and right click the catalyser.

At successful round player can take out the reward with !take command, which also ends single process.

* First round is always successful, but later chances decrease with each round, ending at round 5.

** Every reward has equal chance to be drawn from table if round succeeds.

*** Magic Alchemy Clay can be obtained through quests, tasks, area bosses (Outlaw Kira, Triquonox), raid bosses (Munster), surprises or events (Christmas presents and tokens).


Magic Alchemy prizes table

Round 1
Mastermind potion 3x
Hawkeye potion 3x
Berserk potion 3x
Grand Recovery Rune 10x
Amulet of loss
Sign of Lord 6x
Crystal coin 2x
Box of Excellence +1
Round 2
Frozen starlight
Magic sulphur
Mary jane
Voodoo Doll 2x
Sign of Lord 10x
Blessed wooden stake
Grand Recovery Rune x25
Box of excellence +2
Round 3
Mastermind potion 6x
Hawkeye potion 6x
Berserk potion 6x
Soul Stone
Cobrafang dagger 2x
Fish fin 6x
Mary jane 2x
Box of Excellence +3
Round 4
Sign of lord 30x
Doll of the King of Saphael
Magic alchemy clay 3x
Retro outfit ticket
Soul Stone 2x
Backpack of holding
Box of Excellence +4
Round 5
Retro outfit ticket 2x
Magic sulphur 5x
Golden horn
Magic alchemy clay 5x
Sapphire amulet
Royal fanfare 3x
Box of Excellence +5
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