Daily Quest - Hellforge

Hellforge is a daily type of activity presenting unique mechanic and giving a chance to obtain pricy, rare rewards.

General informations:

Entrance to Hellforge can be found in the depths of Kaslow Mines. The access key nr 5000 (parchment key) is needed to open the doors to the lobby room.

>Can be run once a day globally! (might be changed while the season will be running)

>Player limit: 1-4 participants.

>Level range: 220+ (may be changed after testing by more players)

>No time limit.

>After death player can come back at the area by using lever at a cost of 10 Signs of Lord.

>Main goal is to collect a barrel with water and pour onto the lava fountain - there are 7 barrels and only one can be carried at a time by whole team.

>Once barrel is poured a new wave of mobs appears. The higher barrel count the stronger waves get. Last wave also summons boss, Hephasto, who must be killed to finish the challenge.

Map and monsters:

Enemies: Diabolic Imp, Hellfire Fighter, Fury, Demon, Hellhound, Juggernaut, Boss - Hephasto


Reward can be taken from the extinquished fountain and always contains 1,5kk*lvl/100 EXP and a golden bag with 2-4 magic alchemy clays, 1-10 signs of lord, 40-80 infernal bolts.

Additional rewards with smaller chances are e.g. glyph of terror, demonrage sword, red gem or very and ultra rares e.g. phoenix shield, boe 5, boe 4, demonbone, mythril axe, devileye, crown or doll of the king of Saphael.

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