Grynch Clan Goblins Invasion

Grynch Clan Goblins Invasions are the main feature of Christmas Event. Raids can be executed at random time, and there are 3 main types: city raids, outskirts (surface) raids and underground raids, where cities have the highest probability to occur.
City Raids:
Goblins can invade cities: Kaslow, Loren and Cydonia. During these raids, goblins spawn 100 seconds after first event broadcast.
The evil smirking can be heard near (city name)!
After 4 minutes second wave appears with a broadcast 10 seconds before spawn:
Hide your (spoils/presents/gifts)!
Third wave appears 3 minutes later, with a broadcast at the moment of spawn:
Grynch! Grynch! Grynch!
Surface Raids:
Secondary type of raid that spawns one wave of Goblins at Elves/Minotaurs/Kaslow Outskirts 30 seconds after the event broadcast:
Thieves! Presents are in danger! Green smellies are gathering somewhere at the surface..
Underground Raids:
Secondary type of raid that spawns one wave of Goblins at Rotworms (Kaslow's or Loren's)/Dwarves/Ghouls 30 seconds after the event broadcast:
Thieves! Presents are in danger! Green smellies are gathering somewhere underground..
Goblins carry valuable loot containing mainly Christmas Present Bags but they may also drop Magic Alchemy Clay, Sapphire Amulet or Surprises.