
Sex Male
Level 316
Vocation Royal Paladin
Last Login 21 July 2024 (16:15)
House Mediterrean Palace, Jungle
Status offline
Created 08 January 2024 (11:51)
520,350,259 316 3,315 4,257 200 11,950 42:00 25 19 10 11 10 123 106 10
Death List
27 January 2024 (14:57) Killed at level 287 by Omnizard Prophet (soloed)
25 January 2024 (00:09) Killed at level 268 by Fury (soloed)
21 January 2024 (03:29) Killed at level 258 by Omnizard Infiltrator (soloed)
19 January 2024 (00:23) Killed at level 209 by Mutant (soloed)
18 January 2024 (21:24) Killed at level 207 by Juggernaut
and by Lavahole.
18 January 2024 (02:16) Killed at level 202 by Fire Elemental
and by Demon.
16 January 2024 (23:46) Killed at level 200 by Ghazbaran (soloed)
15 January 2024 (22:11) Killed at level 198 by Demon (soloed)
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    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Guntrip 133 Master Sorcerer 05 July 2024 (01:38) offline
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