Custom Bows and Crossbows - Rafidea 8.0

Rafidea offers custom bows and crossbows with own unique mechanic.

All normal versions of these weapons are sellable to Elivines, located in Hunters Clan Hideout, east of Kaslow.

These weapons can be used without ammunition, when they use attack value in standard skill damage formula of their element.

Their damage with ammunition is a random value between these functions:

Minimal damage: a + lvl * 0,2 (* 1,3 for exc versions)

Maximal damage: b + (0,067 * skill * atk * factor) * 1,1 + lvl * 0,5

atk - sum of weapon additional damage (see table below) and ammo damage (listed below); factor = {1 for full atk, 3/4 for balanced, 1/2 for full def}; a, b - flat additional values of min and max damage.

Either bows or crossbows can be used with crystal arrow, which causes basic weapon attack do area (1x1 square) damage.

Armor and shield reductions are not taken into account while attacking with these weapons.

Ammunition table

Look: Name: Attack:
Arrowcannot be used
Sniper Arrow28
Onyx Arrow38
Burst Arrowcannot be used
Poison Arrowcannot be used
Boltcannot be used
Piercing Bolt33
Power Bolt40
Infernal Bolt72


Look: Name: Req. lvl (exc): Atk with ammo (exc): Basic atk (exc): a,b (exc): How to obtain:
Aurora Bow40 (75)9 (14)33 (41) [LIFEDRAIN]5,10 (10,20)Blightwalker, Ron the Ripper
Composite Hornbow35 (80)10 (14)35 (41) [PHYSICAL]6,12 (12,25)Dharalion, Vladimir, [TASK: WYVERNS]
Hening's Battlebow35 (75)9 (13)34 (41) [FIRE]5,11 (11,22)Lord Xan, Deadeye Devious
Golden Bow55 (100)9 (14) 37 (44) [ENERGY]6,12 (10,21)Deepwater Hunter, Basilisk
War Longbow70 (120)14 (19) 40 (46) [PHYSICAL]9,16 (15,25)Abyssal Predator, The Earthmover
Grand Viper Bow110 (160)19 (25)45 (53) [POISON]10, 16 (15,25)Raum, Ghazbaran


Look: Name: Req. lvl (exc): Addit. atk (exc): Attack (exc): a,b (exc): How to obtain:
Siege Crossbow60 (105)11 (15)39 (44) [POISON]5,11 (10,22)Scarabeus, Omnizard Infiltrator
Devileye65 (110)10 (14)39 (45) [FIRE]7,13 (13,24)[ANNIHILATOR], Cerberus
Soul Bolter70 (125)13 (18)40 (47) [LIFEDRAIN]7,14 (15,27)Utumno
Colossal Crossbow90 (135)10 (16) 43 (49) [PHYSICAL]10,20 (17,31)Bahamut, Cabho
Omega Golden Crossbow135 (180)13 (20) 47 (55) [ENERGY]12,21 (18,35)Morgaroth
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