Accesses and Keys

In the world of Rafidea there are many places that are only available after completing a quest(s) or task(s), behind locked doors or that needs special payment/sacrifice. Level doors are not listed below.


Look: Numer: Function: Obtain from:
Copper Key (302)Opens several doors around Kaslow undergrounds (trolls, ghouls, dwarves)Complete a quest from Roman in Kaslow south gate keep.
Bone Key (301)Opens doors behind vampires (to mid tier undeads, banshee quest and vampire quest) at Kaslow undergrounds.Complete vampire task and talk to Orlan.
Silver Key (303)Opens Hellgate doors leading to Heroes Keep and Evil Sanctuary, behind a 60 lvl gate.Dead body guarded by dragon nearby minotaur's citadel undergrounds.
Golden Key (5000)Opens doors to Hellforge challenge at Deep Kaslow MinesParchment Quest at Evil Sanctuary
Crystal KeyTBARoyal Fanfare
Crystal Key (3700)Opens library doors in Great MarshHidden quest at Great Marsh undergrounds
Wooden Key (305)TBAThe Pit Undergrounds (Hydras and Serpents) or Tom Niddle


Destination: Entrance point: Level: What is needed:
Saphael UndergroundsBK & Heroes under Cyclops Mountain80Sacrifice Crown Set, put it in a certain order. Next entrances will cost 5 SoL.
POIRoom with flames at Guild of Magic hideout80Pass the Tible to Albrecht in GoM
Evil SanctuaryMaster Criz* and Fire Spirit** (also possible to enter by foot from Cydonia undergrounds with key)80Pass to Fire Spirit: 2 orbs, 10 demonic essences and demon shield. Then cost is 6 SoL at Master Criz or 8 demonic essences at Fire Spirit.
Demonica (+Deepwaters)Master Criz and Fire Spirit110Pass to Fire Spirit: behemoth claw, 8 demon dusts and glyph of pain. Then cost is 8 SoL at Master Criz or 10 demonic essence at Fire Spirit.
Cydonia DragonsFire Spirit (coming from ES or Demonica)100Pass to Fire Spirit: 15 demonic essences and skull helmet. Then cost is 6 demonic essences.
TarkanMaster Criz, Deepwaters(TBA)150Pass to Roshen: magic plate armor and 2 magic suplhur. Then cost is 13 SoL.
Ferumbras TowerMaster Criz130Magic sulphur.
Omnizards ValleyPassage from Hydra's Jungle180Demon, dragon lord, behemoth trophies and glyphs of: surrender, terror, pain, sorrow and darkness. Then cost is 20 SoL.
CellarsRoshen-Complete Mid Undeads and Behemoths task to gain access. Cost is 8 SoL.
Demon Helmet QuestEvil Sanctuary140Access: 5 SoL, 5 demon dusts and 10 demonic essences. Then cost is 6 SoL.

*Master Criz is a NPC that can be found in Kaslow, Loren and Cydonia.

**Fire Spirit is a NPC that can be found at the Path of Flames which connects Evil Sanctuary, Demonica and Cydonia Dragons undergrounds.

While Master Criz moves player directly from main town to the center of locations, Fire Spirit only takes player to the destinated part of an unpassable crossroad at the Path of Flames.

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